New Car Scam?

by Kris
(Fort Wayne, IN)

Question: I recently purchased a new car and paid cash. I signed the agreement only to find that they used $2000 of the $5000 rebate amount as part of the total amount of my car's trade in value. I did not realize this until after I signed the agreement.

I feel that I have been short changed the $2000. and would like to know if this is a deceptive business practice and/or some kind of new car scam. I am supposed to meet with the General Manager of this dealership this morning and see what he has to say. I am wondering if I should pursue this through a contractual attorney?

Answer: Hi Kris. I'm assuming when you were negotiating that they showed you X amount of dollars for your trade, but when it came time to sign the contract that it was $2,000 less than that X figure.

If that is the case, then I'd definitely say that it was deceptive. When you speak with the General Manager, be sure to ask to see the four square, or whatever form they used to present numbers when negotiating, and be sure to get a copy for yourself.

If the numbers shown on the negotiation sheet do not match up with the numbers on your contract and they are not willing to make the right changes, then you'll want a copy of this when you go to court and/or talk to an attorney.

I would assume that if the numbers on the negotiation sheet and the numbers on the contract don't line up that the General Manager would make it right, but if not, it sounds like this is some sort of new car scam and that you'd have a strong case.

Let me know if I can be of any further assistance and if you wouldn't mind, please let me know how things turn out.

Take care,

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